former imperial capital


TAKENOKO (Bamboo shoots)nagaokakyo_sub_slice_r7_c1


Cultivated in Nagaokaky, is the best in Japan. Why is it the best? Because of our terrain and treatments are over 300 years old.
First, we make a bamboo field, the case of which is reddish clay. Then straw is added to make layers, known as Kyoto nanka Saibai, make field softer and protect it from sun light. If bamboo shoots catch the sun light, they become harder and bitter, so we harvest them in the early morning.
Next, parent bamboo is selected carefully otherwise we will not be able to have high quality shoots. The bamboo which is hosen is pruned at the head to encourage shoot growth in September. Bamboo, more than 7 years-old is difficult to have shoots.
During October to November, we watch the field carefully to find a crack and put the sigh there. From the middle Marc to May, we harvest bamboo shoots by digging them out. At this time, special professional tool, called hori is used.

>>>Digging TAKENOKO Experience Movie



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